Member:         #4777   

OHJA 2013

15-17 Equitation

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
43 15-Adult Equitation - flat Lakeside Arena - March 2 11 46.00
42 15-Adult Equitation Lakeside Arena - March 2 12 47.00
Total Class Points 93.00
No: 43
Class: 15-Adult Equitation - flat
Show: Lakeside Arena - March
Place: 2
Entries: 11
Points: 46.00  
No: 42
Class: 15-Adult Equitation
Show: Lakeside Arena - March
Place: 2
Entries: 12
Points: 47.00  
Total Class Points: 93.00

OHJA Medal

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
50 OHJA Medal Windfall Farm - Run for the Roses Quite Amazing 4 15 1.00
Total Class Points 1.00
No: 50
Class: OHJA Medal
Show: Windfall Farm - Run for the Roses
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 4
Entries: 15
Points: 1.00  
Total Class Points: 1.00

Intermediate Children's Equitation

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
132 Intermediate Children's/Adult Equitation Windfall Farm - April Quite Amazing 1 4 44.00
51 Intermediate Children's/Adult Equitation - flat Windfall Farm - April Quite Amazing 1 9 49.00
51 Intermediate Children's/Adult Equitation Windfall Farm - Run for the Roses Quite Amazing 1 6 46.00
Total Class Points 139.00
No: 132
Class: Intermediate Children's/Adult Equitation
Show: Windfall Farm - April
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 1
Entries: 4
Points: 44.00  
No: 51
Class: Intermediate Children's/Adult Equitation - flat
Show: Windfall Farm - April
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 1
Entries: 9
Points: 49.00  
No: 51
Class: Intermediate Children's/Adult Equitation
Show: Windfall Farm - Run for the Roses
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 1
Entries: 6
Points: 46.00  
Total Class Points: 139.00

OHJA 2012

OHJA Medal

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
50 OHJA Medal Windfall Farm - Holiday on the Half Year Quite Amazing 6 15 0.00
172b OHJA Medal (b) 2' & 2'3" Country Heir Farm - September I Quite Amazing 6 11 0.00
Total Class Points 0.00
No: 50
Class: OHJA Medal
Show: Windfall Farm - Holiday on the Half Year
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 6
Entries: 15
Points: 0.00  
No: 172b
Class: OHJA Medal (b) 2' & 2'3"
Show: Country Heir Farm - September I
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 6
Entries: 11
Points: 0.00  
Total Class Points: 0.00

Intermediate Children's Equitation

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
51 Intermedaite Children's/Adult Equitation - flat Windfall Farm - Holiday on the Half Year Quite Amazing 1 6 46.00
122 Intermedaite Children's/Adult Equitation Windfall Farm - Holiday on the Half Year Quite Amazing 1 4 44.00
Total Class Points 90.00
No: 51
Class: Intermedaite Children's/Adult Equitation - flat
Show: Windfall Farm - Holiday on the Half Year
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 1
Entries: 6
Points: 46.00  
No: 122
Class: Intermedaite Children's/Adult Equitation
Show: Windfall Farm - Holiday on the Half Year
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 1
Entries: 4
Points: 44.00  
Total Class Points: 90.00

OHJA 2011

15-17 Equitation

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
79 Equitation 15-17 - flat Robert Murphy Stables - July Quite Amazing 3 11 40.00
Total Class Points 40.00
No: 79
Class: Equitation 15-17 - flat
Show: Robert Murphy Stables - July
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 3
Entries: 11
Points: 40.00  
Total Class Points: 40.00

OHJA Medal

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
172 OHJA Medal Country Heir - March II Quite Amazing 5 12 0.00
355 OHJA Medal Country Heir September USEF A Show Quite Amazing 6 9 0.00
Total Class Points 0.00
No: 172
Class: OHJA Medal
Show: Country Heir - March II
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 5
Entries: 12
Points: 0.00  
No: 355
Class: OHJA Medal
Show: Country Heir September USEF A Show
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 6
Entries: 9
Points: 0.00  
Total Class Points: 0.00

Intermediate Children's Equitation

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
357 Intermediate Children's/Adult Equitation - flat Country Heir September USEF A Show Quite Amazing 2 5 35.00
356 Intermediate Children's/Adult Equitation Country Heir September USEF A Show Quite Amazing 1 4 40.00
Total Class Points 75.00
No: 357
Class: Intermediate Children's/Adult Equitation - flat
Show: Country Heir September USEF A Show
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 2
Entries: 5
Points: 35.00  
No: 356
Class: Intermediate Children's/Adult Equitation
Show: Country Heir September USEF A Show
Horse: Quite Amazing
Place: 1
Entries: 4
Points: 40.00  
Total Class Points: 75.00

Provided by OrgPro
