OHJA 2005 - Short Stirrup Hunter

Horse Owner Rider Shows Points
1    Adagio Morgan Restaino Morgan Restaino 27 3462.00
2    Goldie Lox Erin Long Halle Githens
Erin Long
21 3018.00
3    Woodland's Smooth Sailing Alyssa Fares Alyssa Fares 8 1080.00
4    Benefactor Cara Linse Cara Linse 7 1010.00
5    Game Boy Laurel Schuler Laurel Schuler 4 703.00
6    Believe In Me Megan Bunnenberg Megan Bunnenberg 8 663.00
7    Lotta Love Alexandria Maley Alexandria Maley 15 618.00
8    Sister Act Melissa Prantl Melissa Prantl 6 611.00
9    Pal-O-Mine Tori Saba Tori Saba 4 421.00
10    Winter Frost Allie Nikitas Maurie Reinke 4 379.00
11    Dreams Come True Bridgit Bain Madeleine Bain
Bridgit Bain
4 331.00
12    Hawk Moon Mary Kathryn Fisher Mary Kathryn Fisher 2 325.00
13    Apple Of My Eye Lexi Midkiff Lexi Midkiff 5 303.00
14    Lucky Charm Madison Butcher Madison Butcher
Meagan Majchszak
3 292.00
15    Tootsie Michelle Ewert 2 257.00
16    The Perfect Storm Lauren Patterson Brittany Richey
Bridgit Bain
2 210.00
17    Pen Pal Mindy Darst Alyssa Fares 2 179.00
18    Thumbelina Halle Githens Halle Githens 1 175.00
19    Fairway Bay Paige Beisel Tori Saba 1 170.00
20    Limited Too Nancy Arledge Sarah McConnell 1 155.00
21    Wish Upon A Star Brittany Richey Brittany Richey 2 136.00
22    Love It Pamela Graham Kaylah May 2 127.00
23    Sassafrass Sarah McConnell Sarah McConnell 1 115.00
24    Answered Prayer Kimberly Cieslewicz Kimberly Cieslewicz 1 109.00
25    Dare Me Little Willy Meredith Darst John Darst 1 85.00
26    Spotlight Amanda Jones Amanda Jones 1 72.00
27    Hunterrific Cara Linse Cara Linse 1 65.00
28    Hocus Pocus Matt Payne Maggie Brownrigg 1 50.00
Horse: Adagio
Owner: Morgan Restaino
Rider: Morgan Restaino
Shows: 27
Horse: Goldie Lox
Owner: Erin Long
Rider: Halle Githens
Erin Long
Shows: 21
Horse: Woodland's Smooth Sailing
Owner: Alyssa Fares
Rider: Alyssa Fares
Shows: 8
Horse: Benefactor
Owner: Cara Linse
Rider: Cara Linse
Shows: 7
Horse: Game Boy
Owner: Laurel Schuler
Rider: Laurel Schuler
Shows: 4
Horse: Believe In Me
Owner: Megan Bunnenberg
Rider: Megan Bunnenberg
Shows: 8
Horse: Lotta Love
Owner: Alexandria Maley
Rider: Alexandria Maley
Shows: 15
Horse: Sister Act
Owner: Melissa Prantl
Rider: Melissa Prantl
Shows: 6
Horse: Pal-O-Mine
Owner: Tori Saba
Rider: Tori Saba
Shows: 4
10  Horse: Winter Frost
Owner: Allie Nikitas
Rider: Maurie Reinke
Shows: 4
11  Horse: Dreams Come True
Owner: Bridgit Bain
Rider: Madeleine Bain
Bridgit Bain
Shows: 4
12  Horse: Hawk Moon
Owner: Mary Kathryn Fisher
Rider: Mary Kathryn Fisher
Shows: 2
13  Horse: Apple Of My Eye
Owner: Lexi Midkiff
Rider: Lexi Midkiff
Shows: 5
14  Horse: Lucky Charm
Owner: Madison Butcher
Rider: Madison Butcher
Meagan Majchszak
Shows: 3
15  Horse: Tootsie
Owner: Michelle Ewert
Shows: 2
16  Horse: The Perfect Storm
Owner: Lauren Patterson
Rider: Brittany Richey
Bridgit Bain
Shows: 2
17  Horse: Pen Pal
Owner: Mindy Darst
Rider: Alyssa Fares
Shows: 2
18  Horse: Thumbelina
Owner: Halle Githens
Rider: Halle Githens
Shows: 1
19  Horse: Fairway Bay
Owner: Paige Beisel
Rider: Tori Saba
Shows: 1
20  Horse: Limited Too
Owner: Nancy Arledge
Rider: Sarah McConnell
Shows: 1
21  Horse: Wish Upon A Star
Owner: Brittany Richey
Rider: Brittany Richey
Shows: 2
22  Horse: Love It
Owner: Pamela Graham
Rider: Kaylah May
Shows: 2
23  Horse: Sassafrass
Owner: Sarah McConnell
Rider: Sarah McConnell
Shows: 1
24  Horse: Answered Prayer
Owner: Kimberly Cieslewicz
Rider: Kimberly Cieslewicz
Shows: 1
25  Horse: Dare Me Little Willy
Owner: Meredith Darst
Rider: John Darst
Shows: 1
26  Horse: Spotlight
Owner: Amanda Jones
Rider: Amanda Jones
Shows: 1
27  Horse: Hunterrific
Owner: Cara Linse
Rider: Cara Linse
Shows: 1
28  Horse: Hocus Pocus
Owner: Matt Payne
Rider: Maggie Brownrigg
Shows: 1

Last Updated 21 Feb 2010


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