OHJA 2010 - Medium Pony Hunter

Horse Owner Rider Shows Points
1    Hillcrest Red and Blue Skyllar Beckel Skyllar Beckel
Sophie Carlin
11 2301.00
2    Whinnying Ways Maddie Dunlap Maddie Dunlap 8 1443.00
3    Kool Kola Matthew C. Ray Matthew C. Ray 9 1192.00
4    Hide 'N Seek Samantha Houle Samantha Houle 6 1087.00
5    Pajama Party Madison Tongdangjoue Madison Tongdangjoue 7 1021.00
6    Whoop Di Do Lindsey Decker Lindsey Decker 2 410.00
7    Love Note Shannon Scallan-Harris Samantha Houle 1 130.00
8    Victoria's Secret Melissa F. Kerr Melissa F. Kerr 1 55.00
Horse: Hillcrest Red and Blue
Owner: Skyllar Beckel
Rider: Skyllar Beckel
Sophie Carlin
Shows: 11
Horse: Whinnying Ways
Owner: Maddie Dunlap
Rider: Maddie Dunlap
Shows: 8
Horse: Kool Kola
Owner: Matthew C. Ray
Rider: Matthew C. Ray
Shows: 9
Horse: Hide 'N Seek
Owner: Samantha Houle
Rider: Samantha Houle
Shows: 6
Horse: Pajama Party
Owner: Madison Tongdangjoue
Rider: Madison Tongdangjoue
Shows: 7
Horse: Whoop Di Do
Owner: Lindsey Decker
Rider: Lindsey Decker
Shows: 2
Horse: Love Note
Owner: Shannon Scallan-Harris
Rider: Samantha Houle
Shows: 1
Horse: Victoria's Secret
Owner: Melissa F. Kerr
Rider: Melissa F. Kerr
Shows: 1

Last Updated 10 Jan 2011


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