OHJA 2019 - Large Pony Hunter

Horse Owner Rider Shows Points
1    Morton's Tom Cat Ella G. Norman Ella G. Norman 14 2192.99
2    Night Rock Kaylee Tomsich Kayley M. Kruse
Evelyn M. Kruse
8 1381.79
3    Kissed By the Bay Gabrielle Phlegar Gabrielle Phlegar 2 198.60
Horse: Morton's Tom Cat
Owner: Ella G. Norman
Rider: Ella G. Norman
Shows: 14
Horse: Night Rock
Owner: Kaylee Tomsich
Rider: Kayley M. Kruse
Evelyn M. Kruse
Shows: 8
Horse: Kissed By the Bay
Owner: Gabrielle Phlegar
Rider: Gabrielle Phlegar
Shows: 2

Last Updated 13 Dec 2019


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