OHJA 2009 - Large Pony Hunter

Horse Owner Rider Shows Points
1    Oliver Maria Kneipp Courtney Motz
Sophia Paul
10 1271.00
2    Circus Trix Jennifer Evancic Jennifer Evancic 7 902.00
3    Lily of the Valley Shannon Scallan-Harris Jenny Klein
Elizabeth Weyant
6 800.00
4    Dreammaker Jessica Jude Jessica Jude 3 324.00
5    Out of the Blue Audrey L. Ditty Audrey L. Ditty 2 271.00
6    Indigo Blue Vaughan Shanley Vaughan Shanley 1 160.00
7    Salsa Kady Abrahamson Kady Abrahamson 1 135.00
8    Follow Me Danielle Heil Danielle Heil 1 102.00
9    Picture Perfect Skylar Lakes Skylar Lakes 1 73.00
10    Blue Satin Sashes Lydia Long Lydia Long 1 63.00
Horse: Oliver
Owner: Maria Kneipp
Rider: Courtney Motz
Sophia Paul
Shows: 10
Horse: Circus Trix
Owner: Jennifer Evancic
Rider: Jennifer Evancic
Shows: 7
Horse: Lily of the Valley
Owner: Shannon Scallan-Harris
Rider: Jenny Klein
Elizabeth Weyant
Shows: 6
Horse: Dreammaker
Owner: Jessica Jude
Rider: Jessica Jude
Shows: 3
Horse: Out of the Blue
Owner: Audrey L. Ditty
Rider: Audrey L. Ditty
Shows: 2
Horse: Indigo Blue
Owner: Vaughan Shanley
Rider: Vaughan Shanley
Shows: 1
Horse: Salsa
Owner: Kady Abrahamson
Rider: Kady Abrahamson
Shows: 1
Horse: Follow Me
Owner: Danielle Heil
Rider: Danielle Heil
Shows: 1
Horse: Picture Perfect
Owner: Skylar Lakes
Rider: Skylar Lakes
Shows: 1
10  Horse: Blue Satin Sashes
Owner: Lydia Long
Rider: Lydia Long
Shows: 1

Last Updated 21 Feb 2010


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