OHJA 2020 - Thoroughbred Hunter

Horse Owner Rider Shows Points
1    Rare Find Maureen Fagan Maureen Fagan
Christine M. Commons
7 1727.00
2    Eye Spy Carys A. Wasil Carys A. Wasil 9 1618.00
3    King’s Pawn Libby L. Richie Libby L. Richie 6 1125.60
4    Chisholm Sarah E. Coleman Sarah E. Coleman 6 929.59
5    American Bear Stephany Ryan 2 355.00
6    Vodel Trista L. Keefe Trista L. Keefe 1 230.00
7    Final Finale Pody Druffel Pody Druffel 1 182.00
8    High Stakes Brooke K. Harris Brooke K. Harris 1 170.00
9    One and All Jayme Klosterman Jayme Klosterman 1 167.79
10    Cruella de Vil Corinne E. Hause Corinne E. Hause 1 166.39
11    Idyllic Aimee G. Kemper Aimee G. Kemper 2 154.00
12    Enzopolis Ellia K. Metzger Ellia K. Metzger 2 100.00
13    Bohemian Rhapsody Vanessa A. Raso Vanessa A. Raso 1 63.00
14    Bisoux Jayme Klosterman 1 33.00
Unsolved Mystery Kaylynn H. Berry Kaylynn H. Berry 1 33.00
Horse: Rare Find
Owner: Maureen Fagan
Rider: Maureen Fagan
Christine M. Commons
Shows: 7
Horse: Eye Spy
Owner: Carys A. Wasil
Rider: Carys A. Wasil
Shows: 9
Horse: King’s Pawn
Owner: Libby L. Richie
Rider: Libby L. Richie
Shows: 6
Horse: Chisholm
Owner: Sarah E. Coleman
Rider: Sarah E. Coleman
Shows: 6
Horse: American Bear
Owner: Stephany Ryan
Shows: 2
Horse: Vodel
Owner: Trista L. Keefe
Rider: Trista L. Keefe
Shows: 1
Horse: Final Finale
Owner: Pody Druffel
Rider: Pody Druffel
Shows: 1
Horse: High Stakes
Owner: Brooke K. Harris
Rider: Brooke K. Harris
Shows: 1
Horse: One and All
Owner: Jayme Klosterman
Rider: Jayme Klosterman
Shows: 1
10  Horse: Cruella de Vil
Owner: Corinne E. Hause
Rider: Corinne E. Hause
Shows: 1
11  Horse: Idyllic
Owner: Aimee G. Kemper
Rider: Aimee G. Kemper
Shows: 2
12  Horse: Enzopolis
Owner: Ellia K. Metzger
Rider: Ellia K. Metzger
Shows: 2
13  Horse: Bohemian Rhapsody
Owner: Vanessa A. Raso
Rider: Vanessa A. Raso
Shows: 1
14  Horse: Bisoux
Owner: Jayme Klosterman
Shows: 1
Horse: Unsolved Mystery
Owner: Kaylynn H. Berry
Rider: Kaylynn H. Berry
Shows: 1

Last Updated 6 Dec 2020


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